Thursday, 30 April 2015

Sunday, 26 April 2015

U is for Ubiquitous foreshadow

Ubiquitous foreshadow Exquisite Adjectives AtoZchallenge 2015 Typewriter Poetry

I am NINE blog post away from ONE Hundred! ( I take no liberty in counting in the 58 Draft posts, somehow I could never have the audacity to put them up now.)
I dislike the old silly self =)

T is for Tactile notes

Tactile Notes, Exquisite Adjectives AtoZchallenge2015 Typewriter Poetry

S is for Schmaltzy letters

Schmaltzy letters, Exquisite Adjectives, AtoZchallenge 2015, Typewriter Poetry

Monday, 13 April 2015

K is for Kafkaesque mind

J is for Juxtaposed song

I is for Interim amour

H is for Heart shaped findings

The other day (I think 5th of April) when I was trying my very first Tasseography reading, I couldn't believe the leaves taking a heart shape.
And the unpleasant part was not able to capture it in midst of the reading where I evoke all my concentration. I wouldn't let anything distract.
Well, it is deep-rooted in my existence now, still undeciphered.
Read A Heart shaped fluke to know what I am talking here.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

E is for Equanimous mindfulness

Equanimous mindfulness Exquisite Adjectives AtoZchallenge 2015 Typewriter Poetry

P.S. I am managing to post the letter 'E' with a hustling schedule (though 48 hours late), I can't give up, not yet. :)
Furthermore, I am savoring the five minutes I dedicate in composing these.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

A is for arcadian smile

On the cloudless mornings of early
spring, I remember going to bed at
daylight. Rephrasing the
conversation in my thoughts,
reminiscing his husky voice in the
quiet of the night. Uncurling
myself with his resplendent
laughs, exquisitely imagining him
inhaling the fragrance of the
darkness in the past hours of
midnight. Frolicking with slumber,
chasing the recent past: a distorted
him, with his ravenous cinnamon
hair and his liquescent arcadian


At this very hour of night reading theories reflecting memories in its rarest essence. I could not hold back myself from reliving something I still remember... 

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

I find my unsettled mind ablaze with increasing fervor—an impulse challenging the dominance of writing above all else in the current context...