Monday, 23 March 2015

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

I find my unsettled mind ablaze with increasing fervor—an impulse challenging the dominance of writing above all else in the current context of my life.

Nevertheless, I ought to take this A to Z challenge.

I couldn't decide on a theme, initially, I decided I would go with the ideas as they occur. But I refuse to risk my whimsical mind.

Here's what I had shortlisted:

Temporal Progression
John Keats (I m referring Odes, Sonnets and Romanticism)
A Manifesto of being a Logophile/Deltiology

My most loved/liked Characters from Literature

And I finally settled with the theme: Exquisite Adjectives and Typewriter
I yearn for a typewriter (very archaic, I know), not just another but... A New, Pink (Neon fuchsia to be precise) with my name embossed in Gold Letters and the keys with black coloured alphabet.
So here's what I have in my mind. Something like this I would experiment with prose, poetry and extracts (fragments of writings) typed out on my Neon Fuchsia Typewriter laced with Exquisite Adjectives in my head.

The idea is to keep the posts short summoning ideas and memories and unmasking my choice of adjectives. That's how I can limit my writing to a few words foretelling a way to valley of ambiguity. And mostly I am intrigued by the interpretations.

Quoting Edward Said "...for interpretations depend very much on who the interpreter is, who he or she is addressing, what his or her purpose is, at what historical moment the interpretation takes place."


  1. That's a fascinating idea - good luck with it!


  2. That is an interesting theme. Good luck with the A to Z Challenge :)
    *Shantala @ ShanayaTales*

  3. Sounds erudite and awesome. Typewriters were what my first reports were done on...though not neon fuchsia ones :)
    Best wishes,


I am pleased you took out few minutes to read this. And Thank you for your observation you will leave behind on A Poesy Discourse.

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

I find my unsettled mind ablaze with increasing fervor—an impulse challenging the dominance of writing above all else in the current context...