The other day, I was commuting to Andheri when a lady entered the metro compartment, accompanied by her baby girl dressed in adorable pink. The little one, around 8 months old, gazed around with an angelic expression. Both the mother and daughter shared a striking resemblance, their eyes resembling calm, still water—dark and deep.
Amidst the chatter, two noisy ladies conversed loudly. Seated in front of the mother-daughter duo, I marveled at the convergence of two distinct worlds. On one side, the animated chatter, and on the other, the serene presence of the mother and her calm, angel-eyed daughter. Typically, infants can be restless and impatient during their early years, with diaper changes and frequent feedings.
Yet, this baby was different, exuding happiness in her own world. She smiled and playfully attempted to touch her mother's nose, displaying remarkable patience. The mother, in turn, gently ran her hand over the baby's bottom through her peeking dress. Eventually, they disembarked at their designated station.
Reflecting on the experience, I wondered about the unusual calmness of a typically cranky baby. Envisioning the future, my thoughts raced to the prospect of having a patient and serene child like her. Imagining all the cute clothes and toys in various hues—pink, blue, yellow—I found myself pondering over potential names for her.
Exiting the train, I strolled to the library, lost in contemplation. Later, at home, as I unwound from the day, sipping on green tea and flipping through channels, I encountered an advertisement that instantly brought back memories of that little baby in pink.
I found the answer to my puzzle and pondered, the baby girl was calm and happy because her mother took the preeminent care of keeping her baby dry, clean and happy.
Envisioning the future with my own child, I've crafted a plan to foster their happiness:
~ I will talk to him/her while growing up, a lot. We will have a few hours in a day as 'quiet time'.
This will encourage and build patience and perseverance in the baby.
~ I will sing him/her to sleep, if not I will put on some calming sounds of seas/forests that induce sleep. And definitely put him in Pampers baby dry pants for a sound, undisturbed sleep.
~ And most of all, I shall devote my entire time of day, week and months to his/her growth. That is what I shall never get back even if try, watching him/her grow a plittle every day.
And I am sure, I shall write poesies on his/her every mood, action and the happy moments.
If you wish to keep your baby happy and dry visit:
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