Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Things that I miss...

At this very moment, I miss the sun. 🌞

I am tired of the rain and the perpetual wet, humid weather. I have developed a strong dislike for the dampness of the sheets. I hate the damp wind, the tiny droplets, and the minuscule driblets of rain that leap out from the open windows. 

Friday, 1 April 2016

Absence does make the heart grow fonder

How do you forget someone?

Monday, 11 May 2015

One Hundredth: Favourite Things

Fossil Rose Gold Virginia, Fossil Rose Gold Georgia

I have been saving this post, for a long time. Twenty Days and One Hundredth Post.
Twenty days ago, I celebrated my TSth birthday. I decided to tick these two off my wish list: Fossil Virginia & Fossil Georgia.

Sunday, 10 May 2015


Sometimes through the diagonals of the edges,
a whirling form moves, twists and turns.
In the depth of nights, I fathom the self
blinklessly staring at the marquee tracing
the present, past and the moment, brief.

And thus flees the time.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

A to Z challenge 2015: Survival and Reflections from the Journey

I remember the diverse feeling conjunct with enthusiasm on April 1, 2015. Days leaped even before I realized (time has been playing havoc with me, it's already May). I randomly landed on a blog where I came across the A to Z 2014 survivor's badge. So when I discovered more about the challenge, the sign-up list was already beyond 500 blog listings. The uncanny part of me wanted to be the 1000th signee. So I would visit the blog every day to check if the list is nearing 999. I visited the co-hosts' blogs from 2014 to get an idea of how the challenge worked. So I went on to decide the theme, even though initially I wanted the arbitrariness of blogging to reflect.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Sunday, 26 April 2015

U is for Ubiquitous foreshadow

Ubiquitous foreshadow Exquisite Adjectives AtoZchallenge 2015 Typewriter Poetry

I am NINE blog post away from ONE Hundred! ( I take no liberty in counting in the 58 Draft posts, somehow I could never have the audacity to put them up now.)
I dislike the old silly self =)

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

I find my unsettled mind ablaze with increasing fervor—an impulse challenging the dominance of writing above all else in the current context...