Sunday, 8 March 2015

An Epistle to My Enduring Mind

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 52; the fifty-second edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. In association with Metro Diaries by "Namrata". To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Let me embody this pristine white sheet,
With meticulously selected peaceful words.
And the chaos, more than your eyes would meet;
A rampageous consciousness whirling a storm.

Streaming memoirs, existent old-fashioned lastingness
Fleeting by the season translating chill to fine warmth.
A sensual spirit upheaval arrested in a temporal caress.
A mind silvered with ecstasy, grief and tranquility.

An unceasing unapologetic hope crystallizes in the midst.
Swarming everlasting winters, summers, falls and springs,
With the infinity of reflections considered youth kissed.
An enduring timelessness of a flight of fancy caged in time.

Drifting, drifting forth the borders of steady horizon,
Unquestioning so far brimming, meandering with light.
An isolated longingness uniform with unexplored reasons,
My perpetual snarling ageless mind, a leis to my aging body.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: 01


  1. God is love! :heart: Catholic blogwalking :-)

  2. ~TheCursedpoet -

    Meticulously selected peaceful words and the chaos,more than your eyes could meet”. I uniquely enjoy expressing intensities of emotions using oxymorons, only but the statements are contradicting in words and not in emotions!

    “A mind silvered with ecstasy, grief and tranquility” To experience all these 3 states at once could only explain the source of the origin of such words.

  3. Beautiful words and lyrical, musical poetry - ATB for BAT!

  4. wonderfully written , loved it

    My Blogaton post Letter of A Girl

  5. Only a few writers posses the skill of writing a masterpiece. You are one of them. Truly beautiful! All the best for BAT!

    Someone is Special

  6. To be very frank, it went over my head :)

    Asked Someone is Special to explain to me. He did, but still went over my head.

    Maybe needs many more reads. I might get it in the end. :)

  7. Loved the start. "Let me embody this pristine white sheet,
    With meticulously selected peaceful words."

    ATB for BAT

  8. Really good .. loved it :-) ATB for BAT

  9. Nice words.
    Best wishes for BAT :)

  10. In your words - meticulously selected peaceful words :)
    Nice...All the best for BATOM

  11. You have a skill of using the words to make them more meaningful. Well written.


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